The End Sewage Pollution Manifesto

Let’s turn the tide on sewage at the next general election

A UK general election is coming. This provides a real opportunity for the next government to turn the tide on sewage pollution.

But we need political parties to go beyond vague promises. We want to see ambitious and bold action.

That’s why Surfers Against Sewage have teamed up with other environmental charities, sports governing bodies and community groups to create the End Sewage Pollution Manifesto.

Created by water lovers united by an ambition to deliver thriving water environments, our manifesto sets out the progressive policies that we want all parties to include in their election promises ahead of the next election.

Read the End Sewage Pollution Manifesto

Read the End Sewage Manifesto in full


A manifesto is a public declaration of a political party or candidates aims or policies. In other words, it’s a list of all the things a party or candidates will do if they are elected.

Manifestos allow politicians to let voters know what they will do if they are elected. So, they are really important way of helping people choose who to vote for.

They are also great way we can hold politicians to account once they are elected. If they promise to do something in their manifesto, there is a strong expectation that they will deliver it when they are in government. If they don’t, we can hold them to account.

Over the past few years, there has been a groundswell of public interest and outrage on the state of our waterways and the daily discharge of untreated sewage into rivers and seas. To tackle this, we have seen statements from politicians and Party’s across the political spectrum but we want them to go beyond vague promises.

The End Sewage Pollution Manifesto does the legwork for politicians and sets out a series of policies they can adopt to help End Sewage Pollution. With the manifesto’s guidance, politicians can put an end to the problem.

The manifesto consists of five calls to tackle the wide range of issues which allow for sewage discharges to happen. If the next government adopt these polices and give them there full backing over the period of the next government we will be well on the way to ending sewage pollution.

The manifesto represents water lovers and water users across the UK. We have worked together to ensure the calls are representative of a wide range of audiences and tackle the issues they face in their local areas. We are surfers, swimmers, yachters, anglers, nature lovers and more. To find the full list of groups backing the plans, take a look at the manifesto here.


With the upcoming UK General Election, we must show the people in power that we believe there is a way to End Sewage Pollution and that groups representing all types of people can point to and agree on the solutions we need.

Joining our voices together will amplify the calls we are making and show the strength and belief in the solutions we need to ensure the people in power take note and act on our calls.

The date for the next general election has not been set but it very likely it will take place in 2024. Sewage pollution is set to be one of the crucial areas for politicians to tackle for them to get into power.

We are using the manifesto to call from the beaches to the frontbenches. This is not about politics but the hundreds of sewage discharges happening into waterways on a daily basis and the power the next government will have to solve the crisis. Supporting the manifesto is campaigning for the health of your local waterway and the future health of people and planet.

There are many ways you can support the campaign. First – read the manifesto! Get to know its calls and understand the solutions to the problems you face. We at HQ are already starting the campaign by holding conversations with politicians from as many parties as possible to encourage them to support the plans.

And you can help too by reaching out to your local MP and telling them why you support our manifesto.  You can use our email template here.

Over the next few months we will be developing tools to help people and communities to speak to their local candidates in more detail and ask them to back the campaign ahead of the election. So, watch this space for me info and sign up to our newsletter here.