‘Wasteland’ puts single-use plastic on the map

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) has today announced a campaign to put the problem of single-use plastic waste on the map, and raise awareness of the growing issue of marine plastic pollution. In a bold new campaign, SAS will be rebranding a continent-sized area of plastic waste in the North Pacific as ‘Wasteland’ – the world’s newest and most threatening country.

Hugo Tagholm, Chief Executive, Surfers Against Sewage, commented: “In a remote area in the North Pacific lies one of the most catastrophic man-made disasters to have ever affected the earth. Five times the size of the UK, Wasteland is growing and threatens to destroy us and our planet, yet it is a ‘country’ not many know about.”

“We’re incredibly excited to be working with M&C Saatchi on this campaign, with an aim to change the way people view and ultimately use single-use plastics. We hope that many will Join the Resistance to stop the flow of plastic that is feeding Wasteland.”

Speaking about the campaign, Chris Hides, Managing Director at M&C Saatchi PR said: “Much has been said in recent months about marine litter and plastic pollution. To cut through and deliver the behaviour change we first need to dramatise the issue by putting marine litter into a more meaningful context. Casting plastic pollution as a menacing superpower allows us to deliver the call to action as we will be inviting people to Join the Resistance.”

The campaign will launch later this year with a fully integrated campaign rolled out over the next four months.

Marine plastic pollution has sadly become synonymous with any coastal activity, from surfing to swimming, beach holidays to wildlife watching – it is simply an expected part of our experience. This is why marine plastic pollution, and specifically tackling society’s throwaway, excessive or unnecessary plastics, is now Surfers Against Sewage’s top priority. Plastic pollution is an issue that connects the environment with all parts of society, and is something that we can take action on at every level. Indeed, it will only be through concerted collective action that we will be able to create the paradigm shift that is needed to stop the flood of plastic pollution washing over our world.

#Wasteland #PlasticFreeCoastlines