UK MPs sign pledge to protect ocean for generations to come


A growing number of MPs from across the UK are joining the fight to save the ocean as part of a new campaign led by Surfers Against Sewage.

Hugo Tagholm, Jaz Strzelecki, Steve Double MP, Dr Alice Roberts and Geraint Davies MP, pledging to protect the ocean at the Ocean Conservation APPG reception. Photo: Geoff Crawford.

The #GenerationSea movement was launched earlier this year, in a bid to unite people to protect the sea – from business owners, parents and teachers to school kids, carers, surfers and more.

Now, over 50 MPs have signed a pledge to show their support, vowing to stop plastic pollution, act fast to tackle the climate crisis, prevent sewage from creeping back into our seas and support protections for sea life to flourish. This is after thousands of SAS supporters have been writing to their MP demanding urgent action.

Tell your MP to protect the ocean and sign the #GenerationSea pledge today 

It follows a reception at Parliament on World Environment Day (5th June) which saw MPs stepping forward to sign a dedicated SAS surfboard, with those among the signatures including Chair of the Ocean Conservation APPG, Steve Double MP, vice chairs Geraint Davies MP and Kerry McCarthy MP, Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman MP and parliamnetarians from all parties across the UK.

The charity is now urging more MPs to step forward and sign their pledge, as the proposed Environment Bill post-Brexit is put into place – describing it as the opportunity of a generation.

As part of the campaign, SAS says it wants to see more powerful laws implemented and an independent environment watchdog created to protect the seas and enforce targets for Government and big business.

Hugo Tagholm, Chief Executive of Surfers Against Sewage said

“The ocean emergency is now. The climate emergency is upon us. The plastic pollution crisis is real.”

“Citizens from across the UK are joining our #GenerationSea campaign, contacting MPs to demand faster and tougher action to protect our ocean.”

“The latest UK Marine Strategy shows we have a great deal to do. As of May 2019 the UK has met just four out of 15 indicators required for healthy oceans. This is a wake-up call. Parliament needs to use its powers to prevent further environmental damage and ensure we improve our natural world for everyone and everything to enjoy.

That’s why we have been asking our the public to encourage MPs to support faster action on global heating, plastic pollution and ensuring protected areas of our ocean are truly protected for life to flourish once again

Dozens of politicians have already committed to support action to deliver a thriving ocean. We now urge all MPs to take our pledge. Together we must protect and restore our ocean. The time for action is now.”

Within the #GenerationSea campaign, thousands of members of the public have already signed and added their names to the petition to urge the Government to take stronger action.

And with more than 1200 schools around the country going plastic-free in the last year alone, as well as hundreds of communities landing ‘Plastic Free Community’ status, the support demonstrates the public’s dedication to protecting the environment on a local level.

The growing list of pledges also comes just days after SAS took its ‘unknown sea creature’ to Parliament, along with a team of campaigners, to send a powerful message to Government that ocean life is choking on plastic and dying from global heating.

The 15ft ‘creature’ recently featured in one of the charity’s campaign films, which was watched by more than a quarter of a million people and brought to life the unprecedented effects human action is having on the world’s oceans – even on species yet to be discovered.

The fight isn’t over, though, and, with your help, MPs can still pledge to show their support to the #GenerationSea campaign.

To encourage your MP to pledge, visit our website and sign your name here, where you can also see the MPs already taking action.