Thanks for your support in 2013!

We’d like to say a big THANK YOU for all your support this year.

2013 has been one of Surfers Against Sewage’s best years yet, which has only been possible thanks to the involvement of an unprecedented number of supporters nationwide. From SAS grassroots campaigns to education tours, community beach cleans to lobbying politicians in Westminster, SAS members, supporters & volunteers have been involved every step of the way. Some of the year’s most notable achievements include:

  • Delivering 55,000 Protect Our Waves signatures to 10 Downing Street to raise the awareness of issues threatening UK surf spots and call for better legislation to protect them.
  • Organising the Protect Our Waves event in the Palace of Westminster, attended by over 20 coastal MPs.
  • Publishing a comprehensive study into the value UK surfing to support ongoing calls to protect waves, oceans and beaches for the future.
  • Consulting on over 40 coastal developments or industries, on and offshore, which threaten UK surfing resources.
  • Delivering comprehensive data for the Marine Management Organisation’s marine spatial planning east coast zone.
  • Successfully delivering new Government legislation to massively reduce single-use plastic bag consumption & litter in our environment.
  • Mobilising 4,100 community beach clean volunteers at 114 locations UK-wide.
  • Removing 13,300kgs of marine litter from UK beaches.
  • Targeting the top twelve manufacturers whose litter is consistently and persistently found on UK beaches through the Return To Offender initiative.
  • Issuing 69,406 Sewage Alert Service messages to warn 10,000 subscibers about poor & dangerous water quality.
  • Moving a step closer to bringing the Sewage Alert Service to Scotland and Northern Ireland, through meetings with the Scottish Environment Minister and the Northern Ireland Good Beach Summit.
  • Educating 1,300 students about coastal environmental issues through our Seas For Life schools events.
  • Installing Seas for Life community information panels in coastal communities around the South West and North East.
  • Expanding our network of SAS Regional Reps to cover 40 locations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • Promoted Surfers Against Sewage initiatives at national and international meetings including the Sea & Health Conference in France and the Global Wave Conference in Mexico, and the Cleaner Seas Forum.

Have a great Christmas and New Year! See you in 2014.


Team SAS