Surfers Against Sewage Welcomes Positive Water Quality Results

Surfers Against Sewage welcomes the latest water quality results for beaches around the UK. The dry summer coupled with infrastructure investment driven by the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment & Bathing Water Directive means that 2016 has seen widespread ‘Excellent’ bathing water results. These point to the success of Surfers Against Sewage campaigns over the past decade, calling for cleaner bathing waters through an enhanced and improved Bathing Water Directive designed to better protect beachgoers and recreational water users. These higher standards mean that the 625 designated bathing waters around the UK are now scrutinised weekly on improved bacterial levels  during the bathing season for the benefit of surfers, swimmers and holidaymakers alike.

As part of the continued campaign for the best possible water quality protection and information, Surfers Against Sewage also provides sophisticated real-time water quality alerts through the Safer Seas Service to safeguard water users from reductions in water quality between weekly Environment Agency tests, driven by rainfall, sewer overflow discharges and diffuse pollution from farm and urban environments.

As some of the most comprehensive coastal public health coverage in the world, SAS would always recommend that people visit bathing waters that are classified as ‘Excellent’ and that are also included in the Safer Seas Service, to have the best chances of good water quality. Where the Safer Seas Service shows water quality may be consistently reduced by any specific source, it is, of course, essential that the necessary investigation, investments, information and infrastructure are provided to continue with ongoing improvements in water quality at beaches to protect the burgeoning number of surfers, SUPers. wild swimmers, holidaymakers and other beach users that flock to the UK’s coastline year-round.

Check out the results for your beach here.