SAS Paddle Out – What you need to know

Actions speak louder than words. It’s time for water companies, regulators and the government to cut the crap. They need to clean up their act and put people and the planet first.


We need each voice, each mind and each heart to fight for the health of our rivers and ocean. Together, we can stand (or paddle) together to show the offending polluters the tidal wave of support backing an end to sewage pollution. Join us and thousands of ocean activists from all corners of the UK on our national day of action on water quality.

Whether you want to paddle out in protest, shout from the shores or just dip your toes in, we want you to stand with us. So, paint those placards, wax up those boards, grab a swim cap or whatever else floats your boat and find one of our key regional protests here:

More information on the protests and more locations can be found here.

What should I bring?

Make sure you wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather and bring plenty of water, sun cream and good vibes! Although there may be volunteer lifeguards at the protests, you will be joining the paddle-out protest at your own risk so please wear floatation devices and bright clothing where possible.

Although this is a paddle-out, placards are still very welcome! Making your own flags, banners and placards will help us to get our message to the polluters loud and clear!

Why is it important?

We’ve seen our rivers, the ocean and wildlife ruined by reckless behaviour from water companies. They continue to dump raw sewage for millions of hours each year, while regulators and government let them get away with it. We’re getting sick from swimming, while water company fat cats stash their cash. They’re denying us safe access to the blue spaces we love and depend on for our mental and physical health. We’ve had enough of this sh*tshow. It’s time for real change.

What are we calling for?

We REFUSE to spend another summer swimming in sh*t. we DEMAND water companies take responsibility and clean up their act. And regulators and Government must hold them to account. They must stop pillaging our waterways and start investing in much-needed infrastructure for our future, for the sake of people and the planet.

We demand an END to sewage discharges in our bathing waters and a 90% reduction of all sewage discharges by 2030.

Power in People

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s show the government and industry that we are a unified nation against sewage pollution. See you at the paddle-out!

Join the paddle out