Protesting through humour

SAS Campaigns Director Andy Cummins talks through the evolution of SAS. From a group of surfers from St Agnes in Cornwall wanting to end raw sewage going out into the sea to “some of the Government’s most sophisticated environmental critics” (BBS News and Current Affairs) and “Britain’s coolest environmental pressure group” (The Independent). He talks through some of their most successful campaigns and shows us how humour and entertainment can engage an audience and bring about change.

Do Lectures

The idea is a simple one — people who Do things can inspire the rest of us to go and Do things, too. So each year Do Lectures invite a set of people to come and tell us what they Do. They can be small Do’s or big Do’s or just extraordinary Do’s. But when you listen to their stories, they light a fire in your belly to go and Do your thing, your passion, the thing that sits in the back of your head each day, just waiting, and waiting for you to follow your heart.

Thanks again to Howies and Do Lectures and hope you enjoy the presentation.