Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans: The Gyres

This video is an overview of the scientific research paper “Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans: More than 5 trillion plastic pieces weighing over 250,000 tonnes afloat at sea,” published at the end of 2014 by our friends the 5 Gyres organisation.

Take a stroll along any beach in World and you are likely to come across marine litter – plastic bottles, pieces of fishing net, food wrappers, the odd shoe…. Look closer, amongst the sand and seaweed, and you’ll begin to see the nature and scale of the problem – a multitude of tiny, persistent seaside souvenirs from today’s disposable society. Surfers Against Sewage believes that the scale of the problem has now reached crisis level and recently published a new report, calling for a 50% reduction in marine litter on UK beaches by 2020. The catalyst for SAS’s ambitious target is the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Europe’s current key piece of legislation supporting the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment.

Over the next five-year period (2015 – 2020), SAS will collaborate with government, charities, scientists, industry, communities and individuals to work towards this radical target. Surfers Against Sewage’s Marine Litter Report explores the scale of the marine litter crisis, suggests innovative solutions and sets out an action plan of new measures aimed at every section of society to tackle the marine litter crisis in ever more effective ways and at a much faster pace.

Take Action with Surfers Against Sewage today!