Plastic-Free Wedding Hacks. Top tips for going plastic free on your big day.


Are you looking to tie the knot soon but don’t want your big day to be full of plastic tat and killer confetti?  Well we’ve got you covered.

We asked our Plastic Free Communities across the UK to suggest top tips for a Plastic Free Wedding.

Reusable to the rescue:  Out with the single-use plastic straws, bottles and cups, in with the steel, glass and china. 

Create your own Confetti: Grab a hole puncher from home and make your own confetti using dried flowers and old book pages.   

Homely Handmade Decorations: Make a day of it; maybe with the family or friends and hand make your decorations at home, giving your day a shabby chic feel to it!

Great Green Gifts: Make your gift bags more personal and sustainable by hand making them. Give them a vintage style, by swapping the plastic bags for paper and include thrift shops treats

Lovely Lit tables:  Light up your guests tables with handmade candles in old glass jars from home or charity shops, cutting back on plastic table decorations. You can do this with flowers too, buy potted plants that will last, rather than pre-cut flowers in plastic packaging. 

Plastic Free bellies:   Make sure all the food and drink at your wedding is free of plastic packaging. You could buy local fruit, veg, coffee and even alcohol to treat your guests

Wooden name plates: All the name plates on the tables can be made out of wood to create a great look for your meal and remind people there are alternative solutions. Companies like Cut By Beam  or Cornish Laser Cutting are great for this.

And remember the simplest way to go Plastic-Free for your day is to cut back on what you don’t need. Keep your wedding simple and sweet, focusing on the good times and great people!