Surfers Against Sewage invites YOU, pupils, teachers and parents from across the country to take part in Plastic Free Schools. A rule breaking, change making education programme designed  to empower pupils to create REAL positive environmental change their school. 

Plastic Free Schools is a positive, investigative, action-packed vision for stopping plastic pollution at source. The programme will empower pupils to not only tackle unnecessary single-use plastics in their school but inspire Industry and Government to make positive strategic steps in the same direction.

Marine Plastic Pollution (C) Gregg Martin

Why Plastic Free Schools?

It is vital that we turn the tide on the unnecessary use of single-use plastics. A convenience that has come to define our lives, one that is now an expected sight at beaches, cities and parks across the world. But one that we should not and do not accept

Plastic Free Schools is our response to this throwaway society. The collective actions of pupils across the UK will create waves of positive pressure, pushing for environmental behaviour and policy change .  We have the ability to turn the tide on Marine Plastic Pollution, together!   

Power To The Pupil

 Become A Plastic Free School 

The Plastic Free Schools programme is available and adaptable for everyone.  We are all responsible for the protection and conservation of our environment and every positive action we take is a huge victory in the fight against plastic pollution!

If this sounds like the programme for you the next steps are very simple,

Please contact Ellie our education officer on [email protected] with;

  • Your name and role at school
  • School name and address
  • Class/year group/pupils that will be working on the project

Once we have received your details we will send you a project commitment form and assets to begin your schools Plastic-Free journey.

 #PowerToThePupil #PlasticFreeSchools