Plastic Free Coastlines – Momentum builds for deposit returns

Our collective voice is creating change for Plastic Free Coastlines!

Earlier this month we were thrilled to welcome and engage government Ministers, Members of Parliament, industry leaders, environmentalists, NGOs and activists at our Plastic Free Coastlines event in Parliament to highlight plastic pollution and the growing support for a UK-wide deposit return system (DRS).

Surfers Against Sewage - Plastic pollution on Perranporth beach, Cornwall

Plastic pollution is a critical issue that is damaging our oceans and coastlines at an alarming rate. Newly released beach clean data shows more throwaway plastic being found along our coastline than ever before, emphasizing the urgent need to stop plastic at source with new & innovative systems, including returnable deposits on plastic bottles.

Environment Minister Therese Coffey MP spoke at our Plastic Free Coastlines event to update us on the government’s progress towards DRS. She is currently visiting Norway to witness successful deposit systems in action as a result of our campaign, which will help inform how the UK can plan & introduce a successful deposit return system. Our petition with 38 Degrees has been one of the driving forces to engage the government, industry and the public on the issue of plastic bottle pollution. Today we are also delighted that Iceland and the Co-op supermarkets have added their support for deposit returns. We are truly on the cusp of huge change on plastic bottle pollution!

Surfers Against Sewage Plastic Bottle Battleship - Plastic Free Coastlines

Blue Planet II’s recent focus on plastic pollution further affirmed the need for urgent action to stop the flow of plastic to our oceans. We believe that together we can identify and implement a variety of effective solutions to build on the success of the 5p bag charge, which has already eliminated 9 billion plastic bags from our environment. Further financial incentives and taxation on single-use, throwaway plastics must be part of the toolkit needed to stop plastic pollution before it gets into our rivers, streams and oceans. We are pleased to have influenced the Treasury’s recent announcement of a consultation to look at taxation on single-use plastics

Join us in reducing your own single-use plastic footprint or leading your community to go plastic free at

Thanks to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for their support for Plastic Free Coastlines and the Protect Our Waves All Party Parliamentary Group.