Plastic Free Awards Are Back!

Calling all movers, shakers, and change-makers!

We are excited to announce that the Plastic Free Awards are returning for their second year to celebrate those making the biggest waves in the fight against plastic pollution. The awards will be a unique opportunity to recognise the achievements of campaigners, innovators, small businesses and communities across the UK leading the charge on plastic.

Partnering with Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation, the awards will be held in June 2021 to bring together environmental champions and leaders of the plastic free movement. With 12 award categories covering all areas from Best Plastic Campaign to Youth Activist Award, you can nominate yourself, a friend, family member, school, community, or business – anyone you think is a plastic free hero!

Shortlisted nominees will be chosen by a panel of expert judges and invited to join us and their fellow activists for a night of celebration at the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.

Writer, broadcaster and Head Judge, Lucy Siegle says “Communities and individuals continue to lead the charge on plastics, saying no to unnecessary use that commits us to 500 years of hazardous waste. Unfortunately for policy makers, it is clear that this energy and focus from people across the UK will not stop until the problem is solved. But the activists (and that’s what they are, even if some never expected to be!) from café owners and teachers to school kids and adventurers use their agency to think beyond the plastic pandemic. They’ve swept up progressive businesses and organisations with their enthusiasm, so we’ve decided to celebrate the very best. Credit where credit is due!”

Have Your Say…

Do you know a volunteer dedicating their time to cleaning up the environment? Or a small business reducing our reliance on plastic?

Are you, or someone you know the environmental champion we’re looking for?

Head over to to find out about each award category and to cast your vote. Nominations close on 26th March 2021 but there’s no time like the present to vote for your plastic free hero!