Paddle-Out 2024 Need to Knows

Joining us this year? Here's more info for on the day.

Thanks so much for signing up to join a Paddle-Out Protest on Saturday 18th May! All over the UK, from Portrush to Brighton, and almost everywhere in between, communities are going to be mobilising to send a clear message to the water companies and regulators: enough is enough.  

We are beyond stoked that you’ll be joining us on the day to take action. Getting out onto the beaches and river banks to make some noise and demand better for our waterways is what this protest is all about.

We want to create enough pressure to rattle the water industry, to let them know they NEED to change their polluting ways.

At the same time, we also want to make sure that our protests are the welcoming and inclusive spaces that they deserve to be. So, to make sure you’re prepared, here is quick checklist of some paddle-out necessities:  

  • Time/Location – It never hurts to double check the exact time and location for the protest you will be attending. All of the details are available on the map here 
  • Swimwear/Wetsuit – If you are planning to get in the water on the day, do make sure to have the right gear to keep you warm and safe. We’re here to challenge the water industry giants, not our nervous systems! 
  • Sunscreen – As any water-user will know, that pesky UV can do some horrible things even on a cloudy day, so do make sure to get lathered up! Extra points for any wacky neon zinc. 
  • Hat – As well as pasting on that factor 50, it’s never a bad idea to pop on a cap for a day on the water.  
  • Water – A hydrated movement is a healthy movement! Fill a flask and stay fresh.   
  • Placard – There are going to be photo opportunities on the day, so do make sure to get crafty and transform your feelings into art that has a message. We want to have eye-catching placards to get you and the End Sewage Pollution message on the front pages. Grab some cardboard and a pen and get creative! 
  • Surfboard/Other watercraft – Wax up the stick, pack that bellyboard, inflate the SUP. If you have made it this far through the checklist then there’s really nothing else left to do except paddle out.  See you on the water. 

It’s important to remember that this day of action is all about us coming together across our different communities to deliver a unified message, and build our movement for healthy oceans and rivers. In doing this, we’re calling out the fat cat water company bosses and the regulators who have repeatedly failed us. Those are our targets, not the water company workers in the water industry facing problems such as low wages, poor working conditions and cut backs. Surfers Against Sewage has zero tolerance for any abuse, verbal or otherwise, directed against maintenance staff and other workers in the water industry. So we ask you to do your bit to make sure that this day of action remains the positive and peaceful event that reflects our true values.  

If you have any questions or queries about the Paddle Out Protests, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Drop us an email at [email protected] 

See you out there!