myGames – Call for youth beach clean volunteers!

mygames youth volunteering programme brings the magic of the 2012 Olympic Games to UK beaches.

Young people across the UK are being offered the chance of a lifetime, as the magic of the 2012 Olympics comes to town.  Organisers from Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) are using the inspiration of the Olympic Games to encourage young people to share their time and talents and make a positive difference in their beach environment and community.

The “mygames” programme, launched today, calls on young people to undertake exciting volunteering projects in the community that promote and celebrate the values of the 2012 Olympic Games. Values that include friendship, respect, excellence, equality and determination.

This August, SAS will be promoting the link between coastal environmental protection and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games through its event ‘MotivoceanBeach Clean & Sports Tour’. SAS will be holding events right around the country between 20th – 31st August, offering youth volunteers the chance to get involved with beach clean activities and then go surfing as a reward.

Motivocean is SAS’s most ambitious beach clean tour to date SAS and offers volunteers between 16-25 years old the opportunity to access and experience exciting sports, including surfing and some Olympic sports, by participating in the protection of the very environment that facilitates them – our beaches & oceans. The sea and coastal environment are a vital component of so many sporting activities from sailing to surfing, windsurfing to volley ball, and through this initiative SAS aims to reinforce and build awareness, linking sport and protection of the environment. To sign up please visit

The programme is part of a unique collaboration of 20 innovative charities across England, who have come together to deliver mygames. The programme will turbo-boost the impact of the Olympics & Paralympics across England.

The programme is funded and powered by v, The National Young Volunteers Service.  Surfers Against Sewage was chosen by v for its imaginative approach to working with young people, its fresh ideas and its commitment to embracing the opportunities created by 2012.

The nationwide mygames programme will provide wide-ranging volunteering opportunities for 10,000 young people. Projects will focus around the themes of Education, Culture, Environment, Health and Sport.

The organisers hope to tap in to a recent survey on attitudes to 2012 which showed that a third of people in the UK say they would give up their time for an Olympic-inspired activity. Among young people, there was even greater enthusiasm, with 48 per cent saying they would give up their time, according to the DCMS survey.

Terry Ryall, v’s Chief Executive, says: “v is delighted to award Surfers Against Sewage this grant to support volunteering among 16-25s. We are committed to strengthening the role of young people in society. mygames is a fantastic way to harness the talents, energy and enthusiasm of a new generation of young people.”

Surfers Against Sewage is now looking to recruit young volunteers for the project – further information can be found by contacting Chris Ranford on [email protected] or 01872 553 001, or by visiting