Duke of Edinburgh x Million Mile Clean

There are many pieces in the puzzle when it comes to our fight for clean rivers and seas. Plastic is one of the biggest polluters of our green and blue spaces, and we can all play a role in reducing the amount leaking into our environment.

How our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers are leading the charge with Million Mile Cleans

Our Million Mile Clean programme only exists thanks to the thousands of incredible volunteers going out every day, rain or shine, to clean up their local beach, park, river, canal, mountain or streets.

We’re constantly impressed by the commitment so many amazing young volunteers are taking to clean up their local areas and make a positive impact. As an Approved Activity Provider, we can assist DofE students in completing their volunteering section by acting as their official assessors. We provide free cleaning equipment, guidance and insurance so that our volunteers can make the most out of their cleans.

A few of our incredible Duke of Edinburgh volunteers shared their experiences of doing the Million Mile Clean for their volunteering section:

“I found it very enjoyable, and satisfying, and it made me proud of myself. It was probably the most fun thing I did for DofE.”

Mateo Ochoa – London

Q: What did you get out of the experience?

A: It was very satisfying and rewarding to see how much nicer it looked after I cleaned, and I felt proud of myself.

Q: How did you find doing the cleans?

A: I was surprisingly fun and rewarding, as you know you are helping the environment be a nicer place for everyone.

Q: What were the most prevalent items or the most unusual things you found?

A: I found lots of different things but nothing very interesting. By far the most prevalent item was pieces of tissue and small bits of plastic bags.

Q: How did you find doing the Million Mile Clean as part of your DofE?

A: I found it very enjoyable, and satisfying, and it made me proud of myself. It was probably the most fun thing I did for DofE.

Haya and Lila Ibrahim – Gloucestershire

Q: What did you get out of the experience?

A: Lia – I realised how many people littered in the areas we litter-picked and just how bad it was, especially as wildlife like swans lived in the areas.

Haya – I saw just how much people littered all around us and how it affected the areas and animals.

Q: How did you find doing the cleans?

A: Lia – The cleans were fun and relaxing, it was satisfying to see a clean area once we had picked it all

Haya – It was fun, if not cold and rainy, but it was satisfying to see the progress we were making on litter-picking different areas.

Q: What items did you find?/What were the most prevalent items or the most unusual thing you found?

A: Lia – We found a variety of items which included lids, plastic bags and food packaging but the most common thing we found was tin cans. We also found a bag full of clothes!

Haya – We found many different items, but the most common ones were plastic bottles, packaging and tin cans.

Q: How did you find doing the Million Mile Clean as part of your DofE?

A: Haya – For DofE volunteering, I think it was a good option to have as it benefited everything around us, and it wasn’t too difficult to organise and do.

William Jones – Devon

Q: What did you get out of the experience?

A: It felt rewarding knowing I was clearing up my community especially when members of the public were pleased with what I was doing.

Q: How did you find doing the cleans?

A: I was surprised at how much litter I found when I looked more closely at my surroundings.

Q: What items did you find?

A: What were the most prevalent items or the most unusual thing you found? I found a lot of Coca Cola bottles and McDonalds rubbish. The most unusual item I found was an architect’s drawing!

Q: How did you find doing the Million Mile Clean as part of your DofE?

A: It felt like a worthwhile contribution to the award that I might not have thought of in the past.

If you’re feeling inspired to sign up and volunteer for the Million Mile Clean, simply sign up here! We support all volunteers, and you can choose to do a private clean in your own time or run a big public clean for all to get involved.

Register a clean