Cornish Barefoot Beach Cleans a huge success

Beach Lovers in Cornwall Set The Bar High For Scottish Beach Lovers!

2 beautiful Cornish beaches, over 300 amazing volunteers, more than half a tonne of marine litter swept from our coastline and a storming sunsoaked set from Ben Howard! The weekend of the 25th and 26th of June, at Widemouth Bay and Porthtowan, saw SAS’s Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project reach a new level. Even though we were treated to the two extremes of a Cornish summer the beach clean spirit was evident at all times.

25/06/11, Widemouth Bay: SAS and Barefoot Wines were greeted upon arrival by howling onshore winds and Cornish mizzle, however this didn’t dampen the spirit of the 101 volunteers who joined us to remove over 250kgs of marine litter from this beautiful beach. Highlights of the day included the winning item in the weird fish competition (weirdest item of litter found), a business card from the Captain of a Korean ship and a pair of rainbow underpants!

26/06/11, Porthtowan: What a difference a day makes, the beach clean crew woke up to the most beautiful day of the summer so far. Clear blue skies, offshore winds and 3-4ft perfect waves provided the perfect backdrop to one of SAS’s most succesful beach clean events ever! Over 200 volunteers joined us for what was so much more than a litter pick, together we removed 249kgs of small plastic litter and in the words of one beachgoer summed up the effort “It actually is totally clean!”. Other highlights included our marine litter “Hit Squads”, special volunteers who focused on collecting thousands of mermaids tears and a beautiful art piece made solely of discarded fishing line. And quite poignantly the weird fish competition was won by none other than a toilet seat. Last but not least was Ben Howard’s sun soaked evening set in the Blue Bar, beautiful songs in a beautiful setting after an amazing day……..enough said!

After one of the most successful beach clean weekends ever the SAS Beach Clean Crew immediately turn their focus to the upcoming Barefoot beach cleans in beautiful Scotland on the 9th and 10th of July. So, if you are going to be anywhere near Kingsbarns Beach in Fife on the 9th of July (Ben Howard performing) or Bellhaven Bay on the 10th please give us just a couple of hours of your time and help make your beach barefoot friendly for all to enjoy.  To sign up contact Adam on [email protected] or call 01872 553 001.

Once again a massive thankyou to everybody who came together to make this weekend such a success. Scottish beach lovers we will see you very soon!