Be The Change Scotland!

Be The Change Scotland

Positive pupil power, a sure fire catalyst to continued environmental and community stewardship. Last week we took our Be The Change education programme through the doors of six Scottish Primary Schools, challenging pupils to take a leading role in keeping their communities litter free.

Our Scottish tour marks the fourth leg of this UK wide programme which, has so far reached over 6000 pupils!
The aim of Be The Change is to illustrate the scale of the litter and plastic pollution problem our outdoor spaces face before working together to investigate, respond and create positive solutions which will stem the flow of unnecessary single-use plastics into the places we love.

Be The Change Awards

Be The Change is not just a school talk, it’s an award scheme too! After our visit we give every participating school the chance to enter the Be The Change awards. The awards give students the opportunity to showcase their ‘Anti-Litter Action Plans’ and potentially win the £250 grant to implement their idea in their school / community. How cool is that!?

Get Your School Involved

Whether you are a pupil in inner city London or on a remote Island in the middle of nowhere our Be The Change class workshop is taking to the World Wide Web for everyone to use, for free! Join an ever growing community of pupils and teachers who are taking a stand on litter and plastic pollution and drop our Projects Officer Harry an email on [email protected]