A New Opportunity for Change

The UK government has promised new water laws. We need your help to make sure they End Sewage Pollution.

Our vision is to deliver a thriving ocean for thriving pollution by ending sewage pollution that affects bathing waters by 2030.

Over the last few years, it’s become clear that we won’t be able to achieve this goal whilst working within our existing broken water system. So, with a new government in place who have promised to deal with sewage pollution as its top priority, we have a window of opportunity to push for long-term transformational reform of the water system to End Sewage Pollution.

Our objective in this window is clear. We want a reformed system that prioritises public health, the environment and value for customer money instead of profiteering from pollution and creating healthy rivers, lakes and seas.

After much consideration and conversation with other organisations, we thought the best thing we could ask the new government to set us on the path to achieving this long-term transformational reform was by launching a public inquiry.

But since we called for a public inquiry, an even better opportunity to reform the water system has come up.

The new UK government have promised this year to introduce new water quality legislation, the Water (Special Measures) Bill, aimed at cleaning up our rivers, lakes and seas.  This provides a great opportunity for us to put into law many of the things we have been campaigning for like ending Pollution for Profit. But it also provides an opportunity to put in place measures that will set us on the route to deliver transformational reform of the water system. But it will only do this if we increase the pressure on the government and ministers to take real action to deliver long-term change.

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So, rather than focusing our efforts on securing a public inquiry, we want to make the most of the new opportunity this new law brings and make sure that the Water (Special Measures) Bill includes measures to review the system and achieve our objective of a reformed system. We’re working hard to nail down what we can put into that bill and the tactics we can use to ensure it delivers a system that prioritises public health, the environment and value for customer money and creates healthy rivers, lakes and seas.

If we are going to be successful in using this new opportunity to make real change happen, we need Ocean Activists everywhere to get in touch with their MPs and ask them to support the measures in this new bill that will transform the sector, not just tinker around the edges.

Email your MP today