6 billion fewer plastic bags
We’re delighted to announce the most recent results from the 5p bag charge demonstrating the huge impact and resounding success, with the public refusing 6 billion single-use bags at the check out. This represents an 83% reduction in bags given out across the top seven supermarkets and a direct impact of less bags waste at our beaches!
These results are great news for our coastlines and marine life whilst also clearly demonstrating how simple and small economic incentives can really help deliver plastic free coastlines. The obvious next solution for the government is to introduce a deposit return system. This simple measure would prevent 4 million plastic bottles from polluting our oceans every week in the UK. We’ve been joined by almost 250,000 supporters nationwide who agree!
Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for the Environment seems to agree with us and has come out strongly supporting the campaign to introduce a deposit return system for the UK.
Mr Gove told Sky News “There’s a real challenge for people like me in Government to step up to the plate and reduce the amount of plastic going into our oceans,” the Environment Secretary added” change needs to come” as plastic pollution is “killing whales, choking dolphins and degrading our oceans and seas”.
Mr Gove went onto describe a plastic bottle deposit system as a “great idea” saying he wants the Government to introduce a plastic bottle deposit system “as soon as possible”.
This level of support from the Environment Secretary is fantastic news for our campaign.
You can start the fight against plastic bags, bottles and other single-use plastics today. For inspiration on how you can reduce your plastic footprint, download your Plastic Free Coastlines toolkit.