10 Environmental Education Resources from Around the World

Scalloped hammerhead

Scalloped hammerhead.

Staying safe at home to protect ourselves and others doesn’t mean we can’t experience the awe and joy that our coasts and oceans provide us. Perhaps it’s the perfect time to understand and connect with nature so we’re well equipped to protect it now and in the future.

As we head into the UN Decade of Ocean Science, here at Surfers Against Sewage we are focusing on plastic pollution, water quality, marine protected areas and climate change. Educating young people on these issues so they can take action has never been more important.

So, while you’re home-schooling and perhaps missing our beautiful beaches, why not explore some of these resources? They’re packed with games, music, videos and activities to create Ocean Optimism in the comfort of your own home.

1. Attend Digital Ocean School with SAS

Okay, we may be biased here but we are so excited to launch our Digital Ocean School. With live lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays and resources for key stages 1 – 3 to complete at any time, what’s not to get excited about? Topics range from rock pools to water cycles and we’ll even have art competitions for you and your little ones!

2. Survey our Coastal Seas with WWF

Coastal seas are an important environment to learn about. With these videos and activities, you can even learn how to make a jellyfish from upcycled rubbish at home! Also check out these climate change resources to learn about seagrass, the wonder plant.

3. Learn about Ocean Giants with Orca

These fin-tastic resources are designed for key stage 2 but are adaptable. They hit key curriculum targets for English, Maths, Science and Geography.

4. Let Astronauts Teach your Kids about Climate Change and Geography

NASA’s Climate Kids includes activities, videos and games to help young people learn about the world around them and the impact climate change is having.

5. Listen, Dance and Sing-along to Oceans are Talking

Musician Sam Lardner created an album to teach kids aged 5 – 13 all about our oceans. We challenge you to not be singing along by the end too!

6. Explore with Nat Geo Kids

Grab your travel hat and binoculars! There is so much to explore with Nat Geo Kids, designed for ages 6 – 13, but we recommend the section on climate change.

7. Get Clued up on Plastic Pollution with SAS

We have five lesson plans each for key stages 2 and 3 all about plastic. They hit key curriculum targets in Maths, English, Science and Geography and we’ve even provided top tips for delivering them at home.

8. Create with The Wildlife Trust

Fancy turning a bottle into a basking shark or an egg box into crab? These projects will help the whole family feel connected to nature and brighten your house up at the same time!

9. Help Penji Protect the Planet

This app-based game with protagonist Penji Penguin teaches young people about climate action in a fun way. When Penji loses a life, the player reads facts and answers questions about climate action to revive him. And who knew – penguins can pick up beach pollution?

10-year-old activist May has been taking part in #ReturnToOffender on her daily walks.

10-year-old activist May has been taking part in #ReturnToOffender on her daily walks.

10. Challenge Big Business with #ReturnToOffender

You’re never too young to be an activist! If you spot plastic pollution on your daily walk, snap it and share it on social media, being sure to tag the polluting brands. Let’s send plastic back, digitally!

And that’s it! We hope you enjoy these resources and perhaps we’ll see some of you in our Digital Ocean School soon!