2023 Impact Report

Surfers Against Sewage's annual impact report, a snapshot of our work in 2023.

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The 2023 End of Year Impact Report by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS): an environmental charity that has been protecting the UK’s blue spaces and coastline for 33 years.

For all life to thrive, the ocean and rivers must thrive too – our huge volunteer network is made up of water lovers who are utterly committed to protecting our waterways.
From mountain streams all the way to sea – we fight together for clean, safe and healthy waters.

And how do we do this?

Through transformative, change-making programmes, we activate thousands of volunteers across the UK to protect the environment, making it an exciting activity for individuals and communities – and we connect their actions to trigger long-term systemic change, from the beachfront to the front-bench.

We use environmental data collated across our connected programmes to produce impactive reports on Water Quality and Sewage Pollution.
These science-driven reports have influenced environmental policy at governmental level and generated huge public awareness through media coverage both nationally and locally.

2023 saw a huge impact from our people-powered programmes across Education, Water Quality, Plastic Pollution, our Volunteer network and more.

This report provides a snapshot of our work in 2023 – you, the incredible philanthropic organisations and individuals who support us, along with the groundswell of thousands of volunteers consistently taking action, are the driving force of this impact and we are ever grateful.