68,000 Signatures Delivered to Downing Street


Today, we were joined by Olympic Gold Medalist & ocean activist Hannah Mills to hand-in the #OceanEmergency petition to Downing Street.

Almost 70,000 of you joined us in demanding the Government put the ocean at the forefront of climate conversations at #COP26. Thanks to YOU the voice of the ocean is starting to be heard within climate conversations. The government simply cannot ignore the ocean and climate emergency any longer.

We want all governments of the UK to recognise the importance of a thriving ocean, for the planet and people, and to utilise its capacity as a solution to the climate crisis. We not only need to see the restoration of the ocean ecosystem, but also the action that will end the dominance of the fossil fuels across society. We are calling for:

1. Ocean rewilding and blue carbon habitat restoration: We want to see an increased investment, and associated targets, in ocean rewilding to allow blue carbon habitats to thrive and actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to achieve negative carbon emissions.

2. Implementation of Highly Protected Marine Ares (HPMAs): We want to see the implementation of HPMAs to fully protect marine species from human disruption and to allow ecosystems to recover. We need marine areas where deep sea mining is banned, commercial fishing is prevented, oil and gas exploration is ceased and pollution inputs are tightly regulated.

3. Recognition of the importance of marine ecosystems for human wellbeing: We want governments at COP26 to acknowledge the pivotal role the ocean plays in sustaining economies and societal well-being and to ensure protection of coastal communities against the climatic changes we can no longer prevent, such as sea level rise and flooding.

We look forward to receiving the response from Boris Johnson and hearing how the Government will grasp the opportunity to tackle this environmental disaster.

What’s next?

With only a few weeks left until the COP26 takes place right on our doorstep, it is vital that our calls action become even louder. Here’s a couple of other actions you can take part in:

1. On Saturday 6th November we will join forces with individuals and other organisations from lots of different sectors across the world to march for Climate Justice on the Global Day of Action. We want to rally as many Ocean Activists as possible to get out on the streets with wetsuits, placards, surfboards and banners! We will be taking part in the Glasgow protest but you can find your local protest HERE.

2. This summer, youth advocates held a landmark summit with SAS to discuss the most pressing threats facing the ocean and climate. The result? A Manifesto from the younger generation outlining six clear actions our leaders must take, if we are to have a future. We will be working to hold those in power to account and watching their every move over the next year. YOU can Pledge Your Support.

What do we want? Ocean action!
When do we want it? NOW.