The ocean is drowning in Plastic Pollution.
We demand an all-in Deposit Return Scheme to help turn off the plastic tap.
In the UK, we use 38.5 million plastic bottles every day. We struggle to recycle even half of those. This contributes to the staggering 8 billion containers that are washed into the ocean every year. It’s unacceptable, and unnecessary.
A Deposit Return Scheme works as a system to encourage the reuse and recycling of drinks containers by paying a deposit for the container of the drink you buy which you get back when you return it. Over the past 7 years, governments across the UK have been promising to deliver a deposit return scheme. However, after years of delay from government and strong push back from producers and retailers, the future of the scheme becomes increasingly uncertain.
A simple scheme to ensure producers pay for the pollution they create and take pollution from our streets, beaches and ocean has become a political football across the UK. Despite over 40 countries across the world delivering similar schemes with great success, the UK government continue to bend to the pressure of lobbyists meddling in its future.