Youth Ocean & Climate Manifesto

The future of the ocean rests in the hands of our young people.

But for them, waiting for tomorrow isn’t an option. That’s why we think it’s vital they’re involved in the fight today.

To mark World Ocean Day 2021, we gathered 100 youth activists aged 11-18 for a virtual event to discuss the plight of the ocean and the threat of climate crisis.

The aim? To listen, learn and give them a platform to address the people who make the rules – which included a panel of MPs, government ministers, journalists and the Spokesperson for COP26.

During this action-packed, one-day event, our inspiring youth activists set out their vision for the future, identified the issues we face, and outlined their calls for change.

The message came loud and clear: “Listen to the science. Step up. No more empty promises. Cut the bullshit. We need concrete action. Now.”

As a result of the conference, we produced our Youth Ocean & Climate Manifesto, a clarion call for change, which captured the passion and ideas of our youth activists, and set out a roadmap for the years ahead.

The Manifesto’s six aims

  • Make 30% of UK seas highly protected by 2030
  • Convene a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate & Biodiversity
  • Transition the UK from fossil fuels to renewables and become Net Zero by 2030
  • Reduce plastic production and consumption
  • Negotiate an international Global Ocean Treaty to protect and restore the marine environment
  • Increase our connection to the ocean and make it a core part of policy making

One year on…

In 2022 ahead of COP27, the Youth Advisory Panel reviewed the Government’s progress towards targets set in the Youth Ocean and Climate Manifesto.

The review was clear. Progress has been too slow. The Government needs to wake up to the ocean and climate emergency. Read the detailed review.

Download the Youth Ocean & Climate Manifesto

Read the latest SAS Climate Report