Climate emergency: what we stand for

We demand that the UK achieves net zero, including the adoption of ocean-based solutions, by 2030.

The ocean bears the brunt of human-induced climate change. But its health is also inextricably linked to our only real chance of preventing planet burn-up. We need action now. 

The ocean plays a fundamental role in tackling climate change. But it also feels the full force of its impact.

As the largest heat and carbon store on the planet, the ocean has suffered dramatic warming, acidification and deoxygenation – driving many marine species and habitats to extinction.

Rising sea levels are forcing people from their homes, burdening sewer systems and increasing the severity of extreme weather events like flooding.

From tourism to trade to wellbeing, every aspect of society is affected by the impact of climate change on the ocean.

How do we stay cool in the face of overheating?

By mobilising our community of Ocean Activists at key political moments, we can be the voice of the ocean in the climate emergency. We raise awareness of communities, businesses and policy makers on the effects climate change is having on the ocean, and champion the role of the ocean in tackling the climate crisis. We call for an urgent and drastic reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, and encourage nature-based solutions to limit further emissions.

This means:

  • We need ambitious targets to reach net zero carbon by 2030. With the primary focus on cutting carbon emissions in the first place, rather than relying on carbon offsetting.


  • We want the UKs Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to include ambitious commitments for the restoration of the marine environment.


  • We need to address the climate crisis with the same urgency governments and business responded to the Covid-19 crisis. The climate crisis threatens humanity at a far greater level, business and government action must reflect this.


  • We need to see efforts to tackle climate change at the centre of decision making across every government department.
  • We need to recognise the intrinsic link between the ecological and climate crisis and invest in ocean rewilding to allow natural ecosystems to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to achieve negative carbon emissions.
  • We need an end to unsustainable ocean extraction in all forms.


  • We need economic stimulus packages that support sustainable industries with a focus on investing in renewable energies and projects which store blue carbon.


  • We need a just transition that is led by and supports those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change for generations now and in the future.


  • We need to prevent bail-outs that maintain and perpetuate polluting industries.

Our Ocean & Climate Report

Read our Ocean & Climate Report which lifts the lid on the profiteering polluters of the water industry.

Read the report

Fuel our Fight

Stop destructive global heating threatening all life in and above the ocean

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