Our reports and resources

From campaigning reports to educational resources, browse through all our Ocean Activist documents here


Water Quality Report (2023)

We've uncovered the sewage scandal, and its devastating human impact, in all four corners of the UK.

Beach Trip Programme (Welsh)

Mynd i’r traeth gyda’ch dosbarth, teulu neu glwb ieuenctid? Mae gan y pecyn hwn bopeth sydd ei angen arnoch ar gyfer eich Ysgol Eigion eich hun. O werthfawrogi'r golygfeydd a’r synau, i gasglu a dadansoddi llygredd y môr, i droi popeth rydych wedi ei ddysgu yn weithredoedd mawr, dewr sy’n diogelu’r môr.

Beach Clean & Sort

It’s time to put ocean pollution in its place. These activities are all about organising your rubbish to give you a better look at the things polluting our beaches.

Habitat Chat

Ever lifted up a stone and seen a tiny crab scurry away? Or dug a hole in the sand and had a sand hopper spring into your lap? All sorts of creatures and critters live in habitats on the beach. And the more we know about them, the more we can do to keep them safe.

Rockpool Ramble

In this rockpool ramble, you're going to explore the rockpools on the beach, see who lives there, and figure out how their homes might be affected by rubbish and pollution.

Food Chain Challenge

Look at the person on your left. Now at the person on your right. One of these people will try to eat you. But who? In these activities, you’re going to play the parts of different marine animals, and see who can eat their way to the top of the food chain.

Digital Experience

Not near the sea? Dive into our 360 Digital Experience that will bring the sea, to you. From learning about ocean pollution to exploring real-life rockpools, the Ocean School Digital Experience will help you feel connected to the coast, no matter where you are.

Voice of the Ocean

If the ocean could speak, what would it say? Using everything you’ve learnt, seen, found and felt, you’re going to do something big and brave to make a noise for the ocean. What will you do?

Beach Trip Programme

Heading to the beach with your class, family or youth group? This pack has everything you need for your own Ocean School. From taking in the sights and sounds, to collecting and analysing ocean pollution, to turning everything you’ve learnt into big, brave ocean protection actions.

Ocean Activist Graduation

You’ve become more connected to the ocean. You’ve explored and investigated important marine issues. You know how to help protect our coastal environments. And now you can get the certificate to prove it.