Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Our approach and commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Here at Surfers Against Sewage, we are not ones to shy away from the big topics. Equally, we are self-aware enough to realise where we have work to do. We are setting ourselves ambitious but attainable targets and we recognise our engagement in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion needs a dedicated, organisation-wide strategy.

The impact of plastic pollution, water quality and climate change disproportionately affect marginalised communities, yet there is significantly lower representation in Ocean Activism from within marginalised communities. We want to change that! Our aim to create Ocean Activists everywhere isn’t a tag line, it’s a mission. We are all connected to the ocean, regardless of distance, age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or belief system. We want to help reconnect us all to the ocean, waterways, rivers, lakes and even the water we use in our homes and schools. It’s all connected – let’s protect it together.

What have we done so far?

We firmly believe in laying the foundations before we start any building, so have been focused on the following internal processes first:

  • Internal Training
  • Internal staff and trustee evaluation of demographics and culture
  • Cross organisational engagement
  • Created an Equity Impact Assessment for use in all event and campaign planning
  • Appointment of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
  • Set ambitious strategy framework
  • Working with sector action groups

What are we doing next?

  • On-going staff training
  • Volunteer training
  • Long term reciprocal collaborations and partnerships
  • Strategy launch

It is vital that we take every step with authenticity and transparency and when we make mistakes, which we will inevitably do, we will hold our hands up and learn from them.

Let’s do this together – all of us!