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Email your MP

You've raised vital ocean-saving funds this October, time to tell those in power all about it.

Show the ocean some love this Valentine’s

We know you love the ocean, that’s why you’re here. You know who doesn’t know how much you love the ocean? Your MP. This Valentine's, take a few minutes to personalise an email with your own experiences of what the ocean means to you, and why you give a crap, and we’ll send it to your MP. With a general election on the cards this year, candidates want your vote, and now's a great time to tell them what matters to you.

Northern Ireland, show the ocean some love this Valentine’s

We know you love the ocean, that’s why you’re here. You know who doesn’t know how much you love the ocean? Your elected members. As politicians return to Stormont, it’s really important that we let them know how important the health of the ocean is to you.