Report water pollution

Have you noticed brown foamy water lapping at the shore during your coastal walk? Does it smell funky? It’s probably shit. Report it!

Why report pollution?

Telling environmental regulators and decision makers about suspected water pollution is an essential step to holding those responsible to account. You can help make sure it doesn’t happen again. Read on to find out how.

Collect your evidence

Before reporting a pollution incident, aim to gather as much evidence as possible. This can really help regulators hold the culprits to account. Make sure you:

  • Make a note of what you saw including what it looked like and how it smelled.
  • Make a note of the date and time you saw the pollution.
  • Record where you saw it. Using What Three Words can be useful for an accurate location.
  • Take a photo or film the pollution so that those investigating can see what the pollution looks like.

Tell the environmental regulator

Report water pollution incidences directly to environmental regulators using their Incident Hotlines. Depending on where you are in the UK, the pollution incident hotline varies:

  • For England, Scotland and Northern Ireland call: 0800 80 70 60
  • For Wales call: 0300 065 3000 (choose option 1 for Welsh and 2 for English)

You can also use the Regulators online forms (only Scotland and Wales currently have these):

Tell your MP

It’s your MP’s job to represent you. You can write to them directly to tell them of the water pollution incident. You can ask them to address the pollution with the water company directly, and also demand action from the environmental regulator.

Download the Safer Seas & Rivers Service to see if there is a live pollution alert in place for the location you want to report. If there is, you can email the local MP directly from the app. Go to the ‘Contact the local MP’ option on your bathing water profile and it will take you straight to a pre-written email.

Tell us

We’re always on the hunt for evidence that reveals the extent of the sewage pollution scandal. Send us your evidence directly through the Safer Seas & Rivers Service by going to a location page and clicking ‘Evidence of pollution’, or send directly to [email protected].